Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don’t Copyright a Secret!

I find the KKK to be so despicable.  I do not understand how you can hate someone just because they have a different skin tone then you.  But there are those that do.  I however found this little bit on information to funny.  It just shows how dumb people can be.


Joseph Simmons, the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, issued the following “Imperial Decree” on June 26, 1916.  From his “Aulic in the Imperial Palace in the Imperial City of Atlanta”:  “The Kloran is the book of the Invisible Empire and it is therefore a sacred book with our citizens, and its contents must be rigidly safeguarded.  The book or any part of it must not be kept or carried where any person of the ‘alien’ world may chance to become acquainted with its sacred contents as such.  In warning: A penalty sufficient will speedily be enforced for disregarding the decree in  profanation of the Kloran.”


Simmons decided six months later that a book as important as the Kloran should be officially recognized.  He applied to Washington for a copyright.  Like any author, he forwarded one dollar and two copies of the book to the Register of Copyrights.  From that time forward The Book of the Invisible Empire was available to anyone who asked for it at the Library of Congress.

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