Sunday, May 30, 2010

All The Presidents

There have been 44 presidents in the history of the our country.  Can you name them?  Before you read any more of this post get a piece of paper and a pencil and see how many you can name.  You will be surprised at how many you really know.  I could actually name 20 of them and no clue I knew more then the eight that had served in my lifetime plus a few more famous ones. 

Now here are the 44 presidents of the United States of America. 

18th Century

1. George Washington       2. John Adams

19th Century

3. Thomas Jefferson        15. James Buchanan

4. James Madison            16. Abraham Lincoln

5. James Monroe             17. Andrew Johnson

6. John Quincy Adams       18. Ulysses S. Grant

7. Andrew Jackson            19. Rutherford B. Hayes

8. Martin Van Buren           20. James Garfield

9. William Henry Harrison  21. Chester A. Arthur

10. John Tyler                   22. Grover Cleveland

11. James K. Polk             23. Benjamin Harrison

12. Zachary Taylor            24. Grover Cleveland

13. Millard Fillmore           25. William McKinley

14. Franklin Pierce         

20th Century

26. Theodore Roosevelt     35. John F. Kennedy

27. William Howard Taft    36. Lyndon B. Johnson

28. Woodrow Wilson          37. Richard M. Nixon

29. Warren G. Harding       38. Gerald R. Ford

30. Calvin Coolidge            39. James Carter

31. Herbert Hoover            40. Ronald Reagan

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt    41. George H. W. Bush

33. Harry S. Truman           42. William J. Clinton

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower

21st Century

43. George W. Bush            44. Barack Obama


Now that that you named all the presidents see how many states and capitals you can name.  I did way better on the states then the capitals.  I know you can do better then me.

Alabama - Montgomery
Alaska - Juneau
Arizona - Phoenix
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Sacramento
Colorado - Denver
Connecticut - Hartford
Delaware - Dover
Florida - Tallahassee
Georgia - Atlanta
Hawaii - Honolulu
Idaho - Boise
Illinois - Springfield
Indiana - Indianapolis
Iowa - Des Moines
Kansas - Topeka
Kentucky - Frankfort
Louisiana - Baton Rouge
Maine - Augusta
Maryland - Annapolis
Massachusetts - Boston
Michigan - Lansing
Minnesota - St. Paul
Mississippi - Jackson
Missouri - Jefferson City
Montana - Helena
Nebraska - Lincoln
Nevada - Carson City
New Hampshire - Concord
New Jersey - Trenton
New Mexico - Santa Fe
New York - Albany
North Carolina - Raleigh
North Dakota - Bismarck
Ohio - Columbus
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City
Oregon - SalemPennsylvania - Harrisburg
Rhode Island - Providence
South Carolina - Columbia
South Dakota - Pierre
Tennessee - Nashville
Texas - Austin
Utah - Salt Lake City
Vermont - Montpelier
Virginia - Richmond
Washington - Olympia
West Virginia - Charleston
Wisconsin - Madison
Wyoming - Cheyenne

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